His Most Famous Painting (On White II) – Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky

“On White II” is a phenomenal creation by Russian painter Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky. Created in the…

Brand Yourself As an Artist on Twitter

My teenagers were mortified to find me on Twitter. First blogging and now this! But, do…

Quantum Brain Healing Uses Oral Chelators and Far Infrared Sauna to Improve Auditory Hallucinations

Quantum Brain Healing does offer many solutions for hallucinations including orthomolecular medicine with herbs, vitamins, amino…

Enjoy Vacations in the Best Cleveland Hotels

Founded in the year 1796, Cleveland city is located in the United state of Ohio on…

Negligence Of Culture Is Negligence Of Tradition

Culture could be defined as the totality of a people’s way of life which includes food,…

The Culture and Arts of The Swazi and Baluba Ethnic Societies

The Swazi live in Swaziland at the southeastern part of South Africa. They speak the Bantu…

The Law of Reciprocity – Camera Settings Like Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO Explained

Perfect exposure settings: Reciprocity is the law of the relationship between shutter and aperture. It stipulates…

How to Identify Antique Statues

Antiques represent the true art and history of a place. We have heard of vanished civilizations.…

Western Art – Modular Constructivism – A Structured Style of Sculpturing

Modular Constructivism – The Concept Dating back to over 5000 years, the history of Western Art…

Animation School: Should I Enroll?

Deciding to pursue a career in animation is both exciting and confusing. It is thrilling to…

The Art Of Culture

Now, what is culture? Culture is the summum bonum of ideas, language, customs, beliefs, values and…

Finding Art on T-Shirts and Skateboards

This is not where you expect to find great graphic art. But it’s there! And, I…